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The Scottish Shutter Company Does Lockdown – The Movie

The Scottish Shutter Company Does Corona Virus Lockdown - The Movie

If you’re wondering what the SSC team is up to during lockdown…

We’re currently staying home.

Most of the team are furloughed (who knew what that meant two months ago 🥴) but you can still email us at

or call and leave a message on

01382 761020

The “unfurloughed” amongst us, that’s David Browne, and Judith D’Ambrosio will get back to you as soon as possible.

It’s a great time to ask technical questions.

David B is at home all day, every day – so if you want to pick his brains or ask him any questions then call 01382 761020, leave a message with your phone number and email address and David will set up a call for you either by phone or by video call at a time that suits you.

The Team in Lockdown

June & David

image 1Chief Groomers, Cooks, Painters and Dog Walkers


image 11CEO of Shed Painting


image 2Le President de Tout Le Monde


image 3VIP of BBQ


The D’Ambrosios

The D'Ambrosios in LockdownDodgy dancing…

image 9… and wonderful baking


The Lockdown Birthdaysimage 4image 10

image 6…And Ferdinand & Dougal

If you want to see what the SSC team is doing during lockdown, here’s the movie

“The Scottish Shutter Company Does Corona Virus Lockdown”


Stay Home, Protect the NHS, Save Lives

NHS Information

Picture of David Browne

David Browne

David is Co-Founder and Project Director at the award-winning, Best Family Business 2020 – the Scottish Shutter Company. David has over 35 years’ experience in running and growing small businesses.